Abstract:Sacred space is an important space form of traditional villages in China. However, there are academic disputes on the theory of "existence" and "abandonment", and there is a lack of in-depth interpretation of its connotation, type, mobility development trend and new research paradigm, which brings confusion to people's deep understanding of the sacred space of traditional villages. Through the literature review, the paper holds that the connotation of sacred space is the integration of "space and meaning". In traditional villages, there are two types of sacred space forms:One is the religious sacred space with obvious observability, and the other is the sacred space of all human significance that cannot be transferred or reduced. In terms of content research, the academic circles pay more attention to the first type of sacred space, but the research features are based on the interpretation of the sacred space "itself"; the constructive interpretation of the second type of sacred space belongs to a new research type, which mainly considers the traditional village sacred space as the process of social construction and the product of dynamic practice. From the perspective of mobility, the academic circles pay more attention to the research on the construction and production of the social economy, culture and environment generated by the interaction between the sacred space and the interaction of mobility in traditional villages. According to the new core concept, "sacred space as text" is more in line with social facts and research topics.
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